Giving back

Giving back
People say that life is 'all about family' or that they are 'totally immersed' in their work. For me it's much more than that. Although family, friends and work are very important, they are just a part of where I put my focus day by day.
I feel we all have a responsibility to give back some of the love, care and support that we have experienced in our own lives, and God knows I have been blessed with so many good things.
And so, I choose to get involved in a number of things at both local, national and international level.
I believe that the world is an incredibly unfair place for many people who by the accident of where or who they were born will never experience anything other than poverty and hardship. For that reason I am an advocate for Fair trade as it gives a leg up to third world producers and empowers them to demand fair trading practices and prices for their products. I run the Fair trade events and advocacy for Bangalow Byron Bay Uniting Church, for Bangalow itself which I helped to become a Fair Trade town, and I run the Bangalow Fair trade and the Fair Trade Faith Australia facebook pages.
For the last two years I have taken part in the Act for Peace Ration Challenge. I eat the same rations as a refugee for a week and ask people to sponsor me. The money raised supports refugees in camps in all kinds of ways.
This excellent local charity provides home made meals to local families in crisis. It started as an initiative for flood affected families but has broadened its reach. As a cook and a nutritionist I am well placed to make nutritious meals for anyone who is in need and I donate meals regularly.
I am a member and contributor to this local women's collective which supports, inspires and nurtures women in their whole life journey. I provide my services, regular blog posts and webinars for Esja Woman.
My very small local community has no shops or even a hall - no community hub. Four times per year I put on a lunch at my home where the 'ladies' (some in their eighties and nineties!) can come together to socialise, eat too much dessert and build strong community ties.